Our 8th webinar entitled “Introduction to lead isotopes in geology” by Pr. Fernando Bea from Granada University in Spain was held by Zoom hosted by Colorado School of Mines on thursday December 2th, 2022. 32 students and professors from different countries including Morocco, Algeria, India, USA, Canada, Spain, France… participated in this webinar.
Author: admin1415
fellowships & fundings Opportunity
A review of Paleozoic evolution of Laurentia during the opening and closing of Iapetus and Rheic oceans
Coming symposium May2022
May 15-18, 2022: Symposium on “Pre-Atlantic geological connections among northwest Africa, western Europe, and eastern North America” organized by Sandra Barr, Saïd Belkacim, Faouziya Haissen, Yvette Kuiper, Pilar González Montero, and John Waldron. This symposium is part of the activities of IGCP 683 (Pre-Atlantic geological connections among northwest Africa, Iberia and eastern North America: Implications for continental configurations and economic resources). For this session proposal, the theme of IGCP 683 has been expanded to include not only Iberia but the rest of western Europe to broaden the participation and focus specifically on connections, rather than plate tectonic reconstructions, to avoid overlap with other sessions at the meeting. For more information about the conference see: https://halifax2022.atlanticgeosciencesociety.ca/
May 19-23, 2022: Post-conference field trip on “Geological comparisons and correlations among crustal blocks of eastern North America, northwest Africa, and western Europe” organized by Sandra Barr, Yvette Kuiper, Deanne van Rooyen, and Chris White. The purpose of this 5-day field tip is to bring together geoscientists working in eastern North America, northwest Africa, and Europe to discuss potentially correlative crustal blocks with northwest African origin that are now dispersed across the three continents. Fragments of at least three of these blocks occur in Nova Scotia, and hence it is an obvious focus for the field trip. Other areas (NL, southern NB, and SE New England) will be high-lighted during evening “virtual” field trips. This field trip is part of International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) project IGCP 683 (https://igcp683.org/) led by Faouziya Haissen (Hassan II University – Casablanca, Morocco), Yvette Kuiper (Colorado School of Mines, USA), Pilar Montero (University of Granada, Spain), and Sandra Barr (Acadia University, Canada). For more information about the conference see https://halifax2022.atlanticgeosciencesociety.ca/.
Introduction to lead isotopes in geology
New Fellowship Opportunity
Dear participants,
The IGCP683 project is pleased to announce a possible funding opportunity for early career participants, with a preference for female participants, from NW Africa to attend “Halifax 2022“, an international geoscience conference to be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, May 15-23, 2022. The conference is organized by several geoscience organizations, led by the Geological Association of Canada. It will include a symposium associated with the IGCP 683 project, and a post-meeting field trip, also part of the project. The grant will cover the air fare, the accommodation (May 14-18), the conference registration (~$500 CAD), and the field trip ($850 CAD – includes accommodation, transportation, breakfast and lunch). Awardees are expected to present their research at the meeting, and actively participate in the conference and field trip.
If you would like your application to be considered by the review committee, please submit in English:
- A cover letter expressing your motivation to participate
- Your curriculum vitae, with a full list of publications and conference papers, and other noteworthy accomplishments
- A short description of your research project on which you would present at the conference
We are looking forward to receiving your application via our e-mail address (igcp683.2020@gmail.com) by the deadline of December 10th, 2021. Decisions will be made by early January, 2022. Selected candidates should anticipate a departure to Canada by May 13, 2022.
The Cambrian of Morocco : An Overview
7th Webinar VIDEOS: Review of the Moroccan Cambrian recorded by the Professor Gerd Geyer
Our 7th Webinar is an excellent review of the Moroccan Cambrian recorded by the Professor Gerd Geyer from the Institute of Geography and Geology, Wurzburg University in Germany