Dr. Faouziya Haissen
Professor in Petrology
Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences Ben M’sik
Hassan 2 University of Casablanca, Bd Cdt Driss el Harti, B.P.7955, Casablanca, Morocco
Tel.: +212-661253824
E-mail address: faouziya.haissen@gmail.com
My research is mainly focused on the geological history of Morocco, currently on the West African Craton and its adjacent terranes and the Northern alpine belt.

Dr. Yvette D. Kuiper
Associate Professor
Department of Geology and Geological Engineering
Colorado School of Mines
1516 Illinois Street, Golden CO 80401, USA
Tel.: +1-303-273-3105
E-mail: ykuiper@mines.edu
My research focuses on the evolution of mountain belts, with a focus on structural geology of ductilely deformed rocks, geochronology and tectonic processes. I have been working in the New England Appalachians in the northeastern USA for 15 years and more recently have started to branch out to adjacent and related areas, including Morocco

Dr. Pilar González Montero
Professor in Petrology & Geochemistry
Dpt. Mineralogy and petrology
University of Granada. SPAIN
E-mail : pmontero@ugr.es / pilar_montero@mac.com
My research career has two aspects: one technical, in isotope laboratories, and another more scientific, dedicated to geochronology, isotopic geology, and high T geochemistry. In the last years I also focused my research in the study of experimental stability of isotopic systems of zircons

Dr. Sandra M. Barr
Professor and Bancroft Chair in Geology
Department of Earth and Environmental Science
Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada B4P 2R5.
Tel.: +1-902-585-1340
E-mail: Sandra.barr@acadiau.ca
My research for more than 40 years has focused on the geological history of the northern Appalachian orogen, especially similarities and difference among its many component terranes and their global provenance

Dr. Saïd Belkacim
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Ibn Zohr University
B.P 8106, CitéDakhla, 80 000 Agadir, Morocco.
Tel.: +212- 671 52 50 22
E-mail : s.belkacim@uiz.ac.ma
My research is focused on the geological and geodynamic evolution of the northern part of West African Craton during the Pan African orogeny (Neoproterozoic).This research is based on geochemical, isotopic (Sm-Nd) and geochronological investigations from the Moroccan Anti-Atlas belt