The Panafrican and Cadomian orogenies in North Africa and Western Europe

We draw your attention to this upcoming virtual conference that is relevant to the goals of IGCP 683.
The Panafrican and Cadomian orogenies in North Africa and Western Europe
July 1, 2021, beginning at 15 h-Madrid-Berlin time.
Organized by J. Javier Álvaro (IGEO, Madrid), Martim Chichorro (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) and Gabriel Gutiérrez-Alonso (Universidad de Salamanca).


The final programme and other arrangements will be available at the end of May but the preliminary schedule is listed below for information. The organizers can be contacted directly for more information.
Talks (15 + 5 min. for questions) – July 1, 2021 (Madrid-Berlin time)
15.00-15.20 h. Linnemann et al. The Cadomian orogeny: where, when, and how?
15.20-15.40 h. Quesada. The Cadomian Orogen in Iberia
15.40-16.00 h. Chichorro et al. ~ 610 Ma: a critical age for the Iberian consolidation.
16.00-16.20 h. Gutiérrez-Alonso et al. Why is there not a Cadomian “true” basement in western Europe? (or where is it?)
16.20-16.40 h. Amaral. Inspecting zircon populations of the Iberian Pyrite Belt: tracking the Cadomian record of the South Portuguese Zone
16.40-17.00. Henriques et al. Evolution of a Neoproterozoic suture in the Iberian Massif, Central Portugal: igneous and metamorphic events at the Ossa Morena Zone/Central Iberian Zone boundary
17.00-17.20 h. Coffee break
17.20-17.40 h. Álvaro. Late Ediacaran tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Cadomian retro-arc basin preserved in the Central Iberian Zone, Iberian Massif.
17.40-18.00 h. Casas et al. Cadomian metabasites of the Pyrenees revisited: new geochemical and geochronological data
18.00-18.20 h. Jacques et al. Redefining the Central Iberian Zone (Iberian Massif): a tectonic subdivision traced by the Alcudian unconformity
18.20-18.40 h. Rojo et al. Geochemical and isotopic (Nd) correlation between SW Iberian and N Bohemian Late Ediacaran siliciclastic series.
18.40-19.00 h. López Carmona et al. The Panafrican basement in Morocco: age and P-T evolution of the Zenaga Inlier
19.00-19.20 h. Padel et al. Shifts in the Cadomian detrital zircon populations of the Cantabrian-Occitan-Pyrenean-Sardinian margin fringing West Gondwana
19.20-20.00 h. Choral discussion about:
Lack of Mesoproterozoic outcrops
So many suture segments: which is a real ophiolite?
Future topics
Forthcoming special volume in Geological Acta (



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